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“Cut the Crap” Whipped Topping
Devin’s Note: It’s important to use this topping within about 1 day or to freeze any excess. After a day in the refrigerator, it begins to separate. In the freezer, it will stay as made for weeks and never gets hard so it’s great for topping anything, as the cravings hit. Though you may be tempted to use a double boiler for this recipe, unless you have a very large double boiler insert, I would highly recommend using a saucepan and a large metal or heavy-duty glass mixing bowl that sits on top the pan (and isn’t too much larger than the pan). For maximum results, you need a large bowl so that a lot of air whips into the egg whites, creating volume. I’ve found that most double boiler inserts aren’t quite big enough to allow that. Please note that every time I have made this, it yields a different amount of whipped topping, ranging from as few as 6 cups to as many as 8-1/2 cups. I’ve noticed that even slight variations in the size of the egg whites, temperature of the egg whites, the type of beaters you use, the size of the bowl, etc. make a difference. I’ve calculated the nutritional information based on the recipe making only 6 cups to give you a good sense of what you’re consuming, “worst case scenario”. If it makes more, as it likely will, it has even fewer calories per tablespoon.
¾ cup light agave nectar
3 large egg whites, room temperature
½ teaspoon cream of tartar
Add water to a medium saucepan until it is about ¼ full. Bring the water to a boil over high heat.
Off the heat, combine the agave, egg whites, and cream of tartar in a large metal or heavy duty glass mixing bowl (that will fit onto the top of your saucepan). Beat on medium-high with an electric mixer fitted with beaters until well blended. Place the bowl over the pot of boiling water. (For safety, be sure to wear an oven mitt while holding the bowl over the heat, as it will get very hot). Beat for about 7 minutes, occasionally running the beaters around the sides of the bowl to scrape any of the mixture, until stiff peaks form. Remove the bowl from the water and continue beating for 5-7 minutes more, rotating the bowl and scraping down the sides with the beaters as you do, or until the mixture is thick, very fluffy, and has very stiff peaks.
Makes about 6 cups.
Each (1 tablespoon) serving has: 8 calories, trace protein, 2 g carbohydrates (2 g sugar), 0 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 g fiber, 2 mg sodium
Recipe Credit: Reprinted from The Biggest Loser Dessert Cookbook by Devin Alexander © 2010 by Universal Studios Licensing LLLP. The Biggest Loser (TM) and NBC Studios, Inc., and Reveille LLC. Permission granted by Rodale, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18098. Available wherever books are sold.
Photo Credit: Mitch Mandel
By Devin Alexander